9:00am - Chemical Reactions 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Lights, Camera, Animate 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - SCI Girls Create 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - iEarth 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - SCI Space Camp 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Get Set To Be a Vet 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Inventor's Workshop 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - SCI Girls in Space 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Lights, Camera, Animate 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Chemical Reactions 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - iEarth 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - Get Set to Be a Vet 4th-5th (sold out)
9:00am - SCI Space Camp 4th-5th (sold out)